King James Version
Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that use their tongues, and say, He saith.(Jeremiah 23:31)
Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.(Jeremiah 23:32)
And when this people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask thee, saying, What is the burden of the LORD? thou shalt then say unto them, What burden? I will even forsake you, saith the LORD.(Jeremiah 23:33)
And as for the prophet, and the priest, and the people, that shall say, The burden of the LORD, I will even punish that man and his house.
Thus shall ye say every one to his neighbour, and every one to his brother, What hath the LORD answered? and, What hath the LORD spoken?(Jeremiah 23:35)
And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God.(Jeremiah 23:36)
Thus shalt thou say to the prophet, What hath the LORD answered thee? and, What hath the LORD spoken?(Jeremiah 23:37)

Other publications related to "Jeremiah 23:34":

Charles Spurgeon
Our word will not return empty
An article by Charles Spurgeon titled Our word will not return empty about how every preacher and believer should aspire to be like Jeremiah, who was accepted by God for telling the truth and carrying out Gods work.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
When God gives a Word it will be fulfilled in every way
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the story of the provision of food in 2 Kings 7 and how it highlights the contrast between believers and doubters in fulfilling Gods Word.

Jeremiah 23:34 - Cross Reference

And it shall come to pass, that when any shall yet prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesieth. (Zechariah 13:3)
Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee: and they have not discovered thine iniquity, to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment. (Lamentations 2:14)