King James Version
Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not.(Isaiah 42:20)
The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable.(Isaiah 42:21)
But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.(Isaiah 42:22)
Who among you will give ear to this? who will hearken and hear for the time to come?
Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? did not the LORD, he against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient unto his law.(Isaiah 42:24)
Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart.(Isaiah 42:25)
But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.(Isaiah 43:1)

Other publications related to "Isaiah 42:23":

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
This time I will praise the Lord
An article about the transformation of Jacob, the meaning of the name Judah and the importance of praising and glorifying God while fighting against plastic evangelism.

Marta Ramirez
In the worst moments of life God speaks a second time
The speaker shares a dream and discusses Jeremiah 33:1-9, encouraging listeners to trust in God and wait for His timing to bring healing and restoration.

Isaiah 42:23 - Cross Reference

That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. (1 Peter 4:2)
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. (Acts 3:19)
How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? (Proverbs 1:22)
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)
O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end! (Deuteronomy 32:29)
O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea: (Isaiah 48:18)
The LORD's voice crieth unto the city, and the man of wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it. (Micah 6:9)
But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. (Matthew 21:28)
Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My father, thou art the guide of my youth? (Jeremiah 3:4)
Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the LORD thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 3:13)
But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. (Deuteronomy 4:29)
If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me; (Leviticus 26:40)
For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. (Acts 3:22)