King James Version
To him that smote Egypt in their firstborn: for his mercy endureth for ever:(Psalm 136:10)
And brought out Israel from among them: for his mercy endureth for ever:(Psalm 136:11)
With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for his mercy endureth for ever.(Psalm 136:12)
To him which divided the Red sea into parts: for his mercy endureth for ever:
And made Israel to pass through the midst of it: for his mercy endureth for ever:(Psalm 136:14)
But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever.(Psalm 136:15)
To him which led his people through the wilderness: for his mercy endureth for ever.(Psalm 136:16)

Other publications related to "Psalm 136:13":

Omar Soto
Give thanks for God's mercy in the desert
Reflecting on Davids words in Psalm 63 about his thirst for Gods mercy and longing to see His power and glory, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Carmen Ray-Calvo
Good and mercy
Article about understanding and practicing Gods mercy and forgiveness based on Matthew 18:23-35.

Psalm 136:13 - Cross Reference

Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters. (Psalm 74:13)
That led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm, dividing the water before them, to make himself an everlasting name? (Isaiah 63:12)
He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: so he led them through the depths, as through the wilderness. (Psalm 106:9)
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. (Exodus 14:21)
But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. (Exodus 14:29)
By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned. (Hebrews 11:29)
He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through; and he made the waters to stand as an heap. (Psalm 78:13)
Come and see the works of God: he is terrible in his doing toward the children of men. (Psalm 66:5)