King James Version
And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.(Psalm 106:38)
Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.(Psalm 106:39)
Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance.(Psalm 106:40)
And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them.
Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.(Psalm 106:42)
Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity.(Psalm 106:43)
Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry:(Psalm 106:44)

Other publications related to "Psalm 106:41":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
God gave them up to filth
The apostle Paul speaks about Gods wrath against those who resist His Will and engage in unclean behavior, including homosexual behavior. However, those who recognize it as a sin, confess, and repent can receive mercy and forgiveness from God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Good seed, but bad soil
A discussion on the story of the Hebrews and their journey to the Promised Land, focusing on the importance of having fertile ground for Gods blessings.

Psalm 106:41 - Cross Reference

How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up? (Deuteronomy 32:30)
And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. (Deuteronomy 28:29)
And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years. (Judges 6:1)
And the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD, when Ehud was dead. (Judges 4:1)
Therefore thou deliveredst them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: and in the time of their trouble, when they cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven; and according to thy manifold mercies thou gavest them saviours, who saved them out of the hand of their enemies. (Nehemiah 9:27)
And the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, so that they could not any longer stand before their enemies. (Judges 2:14)
Therefore the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Chushanrishathaim king of Mesopotamia: and the children of Israel served Chushanrishathaim eight years. (Judges 3:8)
The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. (Deuteronomy 28:25)
The fruit of thy land, and all thy labors, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway: (Deuteronomy 28:33)
And the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hands of the Philistines, and into the hands of the children of Ammon. (Judges 10:7)
And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD strengthened Eglon the king of Moab against Israel, because they had done evil in the sight of the LORD. (Judges 3:12)
Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. (Deuteronomy 28:48)