King James Version
Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice(Psalm 96:12)
Before the LORD: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.(Psalm 96:13)
The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.(Psalm 97:1)
Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne.
A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about.(Psalm 97:3)
His lightnings enlightened the world: the earth saw, and trembled.(Psalm 97:4)
The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.(Psalm 97:5)

Other publications related to "Psalm 97:2":

Charles Spurgeon
The earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord
Article discussing the future recognition of Jehovah by all tribes of men.

Charles Spurgeon
Thy kingdom come!
Article about the coming of Gods kingdom and the recognition of His influence among all nations

Charles Spurgeon
He will shine as surely as the sun
A reflection on the promise of Christs coming and the joy it brings to those who fear the Lord and walk in His ways.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
the lord is near
Encouragement for believers to live a life of joy and peace, focusing on the imminent return of Christ and the eternal Kingdom. Emphasis on the importance of rejoicing always and being a gentle and kind Church. Discussion of the tension regarding the Second Coming of Christ and the need for humility and caution. Reference to prophesies in the book of Daniel.

Psalm 97:2 - Cross Reference

Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre. (Psalm 45:6)
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)
Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. (Psalm 89:14)
It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness. (Proverbs 16:12)
And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the LORD. (Exodus 19:9)
And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the LORD, (1 Kings 8:10)
And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was. (Exodus 20:21)
And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. (Exodus 24:16)
That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? (Genesis 18:25)
Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known. (Psalm 77:19)
He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. (Psalm 18:11)
The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet. (Nahum 1:3)
The king's strength also loveth judgment; thou dost establish equity, thou executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob. (Psalm 99:4)
And ye came near and stood under the mountain; and the mountain burned with fire unto the midst of heaven, with darkness, clouds, and thick darkness. (Deuteronomy 4:11)
But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. (Hebrews 1:8)