King James Version
For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:(Psalm 83:5)
The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;(Psalm 83:6)
Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;(Psalm 83:7)
Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.
Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison:(Psalm 83:9)
Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth.(Psalm 83:10)
Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna:(Psalm 83:11)

Other publications related to "Psalm 83:8":

Myriam Díaz
We cannot be indifferent
Reflections on the condemnation of Edom in the book of Obadiah and the need to help those in need.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Beware of modern Gibeonites!
The church must be cautious about making alliances that may harm its mission. Discernment is crucial, and seeking Gods counsel is essential. Beware of modern Gibeonites who may bring false doctrines disguised as religion.

Psalm 83:8 - Cross Reference

And the first born bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day. (Genesis 19:37)
And the LORD said unto me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of their land for a possession; because I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a possession. (Deuteronomy 2:9)
O LORD, be gracious unto us; we have waited for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble. (Isaiah 33:2)
And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim. (Genesis 25:3)
Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, (Genesis 10:11)
And Pul the king of Assyria came against the land: and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be with him to confirm the kingdom in his hand. (2 Kings 15:19)