King James Version
O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? how long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah.(Psalm 4:2)
But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.(Psalm 4:3)
Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.(Psalm 4:4)
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD.
There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? LORD, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us.(Psalm 4:6)
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased.(Psalm 4:7)
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.(Psalm 4:8)

Other publications related to "Psalm 4:5":

Brandt Gillespie
Make time, take time to know God
Explore the importance of knowing and valuing God's heart through David's prayer in Psalm 86.

Charles Spurgeon
The consolations of the Lord
An article about finding comfort in the Lords grace and expressing praise through music

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Wait patiently for the Lord
An article about Jobs declaration of faith and perseverance through suffering, and the blessings that come from waiting patiently for the Lord.

Psalm 4:5 - Cross Reference

Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. (Psalm 37:3)
By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. (Hebrews 13:15)
And Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counselor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he offered sacrifices. And the conspiracy was strong; for the people increased continually with Absalom. (2 Samuel 15:12)
And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? saith the LORD of hosts. (Malachi 1:8)
They shall call the people unto the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand. (Deuteronomy 33:19)
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. (Psalm 2:12)
For I the LORD love judgment, I hate robbery for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them. (Isaiah 61:8)
Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar. (Psalm 51:19)
Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; (Matthew 5:23)
Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High: (Psalm 50:14)
For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the LORD of hosts. (Malachi 1:11)
For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11)
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah. (Psalm 62:8)
Judge me, O LORD; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the LORD; therefore I shall not slide. (Psalm 26:1)
To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. (Isaiah 1:11)
Who is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? let him trust in the name of the LORD, and stay upon his God. (Isaiah 50:10)
Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. (1 Peter 4:19)
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3)