King James Version
His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.(Job 40:18)
He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.(Job 40:19)
Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.(Job 40:20)
He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.(Job 40:22)
Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.(Job 40:23)
He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.(Job 40:24)

Other publications related to "Job 40:21":

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Sheltered under the shadow of God
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Charles Spurgeon
He will shine as surely as the sun
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Job 40:21 - Cross Reference

And they shall turn the rivers far away; and the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up: the reeds and flags shall wither. (Isaiah 19:6)
And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes. (Isaiah 35:7)