King James Version
Therefore snares are round about thee, and sudden fear troubleth thee;(Job 22:10)
Or darkness, that thou canst not see; and abundance of waters cover thee.(Job 22:11)
Is not God in the height of heaven? and behold the height of the stars, how high they are!(Job 22:12)
And thou sayest, How doth God know? can he judge through the dark cloud?
Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit of heaven.(Job 22:14)
Hast thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden?(Job 22:15)
Which were cut down out of time, whose foundation was overflown with a flood:(Job 22:16)

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Job 22:13 - Cross Reference

Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? (Isaiah 29:15)
They encourage themselves in an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them? (Psalm 64:5)
And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High? (Psalm 73:11)
Yet they say, The LORD shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it. (Psalm 94:7)
He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it. (Psalm 10:11)
Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, the LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth. (Ezekiel 8:12)
Behold, they belch out with their mouth: swords are in their lips: for who, say they, doth hear? (Psalm 59:7)
And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The LORD will not do good, neither will he do evil. (Zephaniah 1:12)
Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, and the LORD seeth not. (Ezekiel 9:9)