King James Version
They were confounded because they had hoped; they came thither, and were ashamed.(Job 6:20)
For now ye are nothing; ye see my casting down, and are afraid.(Job 6:21)
Did I say, Bring unto me? or, Give a reward for me of your substance?(Job 6:22)
Or, Deliver me from the enemy's hand? or, Redeem me from the hand of the mighty?
Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to understand wherein I have erred.(Job 6:24)
How forcible are right words! but what doth your arguing reprove?(Job 6:25)
Do ye imagine to reprove words, and the speeches of one that is desperate, which are as wind?(Job 6:26)

Other publications related to "Job 6:23":

Charles Spurgeon
No weapon forged against you will prosper
An article about the promise of the Lord that no weapon forged against his people will prosper and how slander and falsehoods will be turned to their honor.

What the enemy wishes you did not know
The speaker discusses three things that the enemy doesn't want Christians to know and encourages listeners to focus on their identity in Christ and spend time with the Holy Spirit. She also talks about the story of Jesus calming the storm and ends with a prayer of submission to God's kindness.

Job 6:23 - Cross Reference

None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him: (Psalm 49:7)
Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; (Psalm 107:2)
But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah. (Psalm 49:15)
After that he is sold he may be redeemed again; one of his brethren may redeem him: (Leviticus 25:48)
And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible. (Jeremiah 15:21)
And I said unto them, We after our ability have redeemed our brethren the Jews, which were sold unto the heathen; and will ye even sell your brethren? or shall they be sold unto us? Then held they their peace, and found nothing to answer. (Nehemiah 5:8)
In famine he shall redeem thee from death: and in war from the power of the sword. (Job 5:20)