King James Version
And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.(Nehemiah 13:25)
Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin.(Nehemiah 13:26)
Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?(Nehemiah 13:27)
And one of the sons of Joiada, the son of Eliashib the high priest, was son in law to Sanballat the Horonite: therefore I chased him from me.
Remember them, O my God, because they have defiled the priesthood, and the covenant of the priesthood, and of the Levites.(Nehemiah 13:29)
Thus cleansed I them from all strangers, and appointed the wards of the priests and the Levites, every one in his business;(Nehemiah 13:30)
And for the wood offering, at times appointed, and for the firstfruits. Remember me, O my God, for good.(Nehemiah 13:31)

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Nehemiah 13:28 - Cross Reference

And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves. (Nehemiah 13:25)
Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brethren the priests, and they builded the sheep gate; they sanctified it, and set up the doors of it; even unto the tower of Meah they sanctified it, unto the tower of Hananeel. (Nehemiah 3:1)
I will early destroy all the wicked of the land; that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the LORD. (Psalm 101:8)
When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel. (Nehemiah 2:10)
A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them. (Proverbs 20:26)
Moreover in those days the nobles of Judah sent many letters unto Tobiah, and the letters of Tobiah came unto them. (Nehemiah 6:17)
But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, heard it, they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? will ye rebel against the king? (Nehemiah 2:19)
For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: (Romans 13:3)
And before this, Eliashib the priest, having the oversight of the chamber of the house of our God, was allied unto Tobiah: (Nehemiah 13:4)
And Jeshua begat Joiakim, Joiakim also begat Eliashib, and Eliashib begat Joiada, (Nehemiah 12:10)
The Levites in the days of Eliashib, Joiada, and Johanan, and Jaddua, were recorded chief of the fathers: also the priests, to the reign of Darius the Persian. (Nehemiah 12:22)
A king that sitteth in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes. (Proverbs 20:8)