King James Version
And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house.(Genesis 41:51)
And the name of the second called he Ephraim: For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.(Genesis 41:52)
And the seven years of plenteousness, that was in the land of Egypt, were ended.(Genesis 41:53)
And the seven years of dearth began to come, according as Joseph had said: and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.
And when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do.(Genesis 41:55)
And the famine was over all the face of the earth: and Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt.(Genesis 41:56)
And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn; because that the famine was so sore in all lands.(Genesis 41:57)

Other publications related to "Genesis 41:54":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Good seed, but bad soil
A discussion on the story of the Hebrews and their journey to the Promised Land, focusing on the importance of having fertile ground for Gods blessings.

Gregory Bishop
When God doesn't do what we want
Exploring the surprises and challenges of the Christian life, including the story of Joseph and Jacob, the Apostle Pauls thorn in the flesh, and the experiences of Job and Abraham. Encouragement to trust in Gods plan and His wisdom.

Genesis 41:54 - Cross Reference

And there will I nourish thee; for yet there are five years of famine; lest thou, and thy household, and all that thou hast, come to poverty. (Genesis 45:11)
And he said, Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt: get you down thither, and buy for us from thence; that we may live, and not die. (Genesis 42:2)
Moreover he called for a famine upon the land: he brake the whole staff of bread. (Psalm 105:16)
And, behold, seven other kine came up after them out of the river, ill favored and leanfleshed; and stood by the other kine upon the brink of the river. (Genesis 41:3)
Now there came a dearth over all the land of Egypt and Chanaan, and great affliction: and our fathers found no sustenance. (Acts 7:11)
And the sons of Israel came to buy corn among those that came: for the famine was in the land of Canaan. (Genesis 42:5)
And the seven thin and ill favored kine that came up after them are seven years; and the seven empty ears blasted with the east wind shall be seven years of famine. (Genesis 41:27)
And the famine was sore in the land. (Genesis 43:1)
And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine. (Genesis 47:13)
And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land; (Genesis 41:30)
And, behold, seven thin ears and blasted with the east wind sprung up after them. (Genesis 41:6)