
Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The writer reflects on the death of a person who was given many gifts by God but never used them for His glory. Instead, the person lived a life of vanity and scamming others. The writer reminds readers to not waste their lives on their own pursuits but to glorify God in everything they do.

By chance I turned on the television and they were precisely giving the news of a "being", because I don't know what other definition to give it, that he died physically although I think he was dead for a long time.

To this being God gave great gifts, but he never glorified his Creator with them, God gave him beautiful talents, but he used them in business for which they were not intended, never in his Father's business, therefore, he spent his life as a scammer, fooling many people who loved and revered him and most of all and saddest, fooling himself.

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