Women's Ministry Seminar: September 22, 2007

Sonia Lopez Johnson
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses the challenges and importance of working with girls and young women who have experienced trauma or difficult situations. She uses the parable of the prodigal son as a model for effective ministry, emphasizing the need for forgiveness, patience, and perseverance. She also highlights the importance of celebrating small victories, not taking rejection personally, and not giving up on those who may test your limits. The speaker encourages listeners to be agents of redemption in the lives of those they work with.

The speaker shares advice for effective mentorship, including persevering through multiple attempts to connect with a mentee, respecting even when not respected, not running from conflict, examining and overcoming prejudices, seeking healing in one's own life before helping others, being mindful of one's language and media consumption, and not giving up in the face of difficulty. The speaker emphasizes the importance of consistency, empathy, and self-reflection in building strong relationships with young people.

The speaker advises parents and mentors to invest in the lives of young women by choosing one to mentor and committing to a long-term relationship. She encourages prayer, being a good role model, and arranging fun activities with other girls and adults. She also warns of the dangers of abuse, pornography, and sexual conduct, and urges parents to keep a watchful eye and set limits at home. Seeking help is also recommended for those struggling with addiction or temptation.

The speaker discusses common issues faced by young women, such as prostitution, eating disorders, self-image, cutting, abortion, and rape. They encourage seeking help and being aware of warning signs. The speaker also shares their personal testimony of experiencing depression and low self-esteem in their childhood and teenage years. They emphasize the importance of seeking healing through Christ and being a bridge to Him for others.

There are homes that are totally broken, they are rotten, we could say. But there are also healthy homes, but I tell you that even in healthy homes a lot happens and a girl who is raised in a healthy home is susceptible to many other influences. Sometimes no matter what the parents try to do, they are exposed to the media, to the rest of the community, and we can't necessarily assume that they are going to be safe.

Even though this looks like this, when you look at it you say, well, what do you do then? When I worked with Straight Ahead, when I arrived from the beginning it was a shock, cultural and of all kinds, emotional, spiritual. Everything, almost every day I came home and cried for a while, because I said, what can I do with this? Youngsters who seem to have no hope, no parents involved, or parents better not be involved, are victims of abuse and have been so, so, so damaged that where do you even begin to try to heal them?

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