Without fear in the perfect will of the Father

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this passage, Jesus decides to go to where Marta and María Juan live, despite knowing that there are people who want to harm him. The disciples are afraid and advise against it, but Jesus knows that he is in the perfect Will of the Father and is not afraid of men's plans to harm him. He walks in the light of God and is invincible. The lesson is to always walk in the Will of God and trust in His love and power.

When the Lord finally decides to go to where Marta and María Juan live, he indirectly informs us that there are people who want to harm Jesus because He represents a threat to their religious, personal institutional interests. And when the Lord says: let's go there, the disciples who are always thinking on the human level, right? Many times we do not understand God's plan and we worry about minor things and for God those are totally insignificant things.

But because they don't understand Jesus' power and sovereignty, and God's total control over their plans and over the life of Jesus, they are frightened. They say: but Lord, suffering awaits us there, there are people who want to hurt you and maybe even kill you, right? The Lord however knows that He is in the perfect Will of the Father, He is in a script that the Lord has established. He is perfectly synchronized with the Will of the Father, He knows that all these threats, death and suffering that awaits him, everything is a sovereign plan that God has over His life and His ministry.

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