When God gives you a stone

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage from Matthew 7:7-11 encourages us to ask, search, and knock on the door in prayer. However, what happens when we don't receive what we ask for? The author suggests that there may be a hidden message in the "stones" that God allows in our lives. Using the example of different stones with stories in the Bible, the author encourages us to pay attention to the stones in our own lives and discern the message from God. The author also references Revelation 2:17, which speaks of a white stone with a new name given to the one who wins.

The pastor speaks about the importance of paying attention to the stones in our lives, which may seem insignificant, but can hold hidden treasures and messages from God. He encourages listeners to ask for discernment and wisdom to discover these treasures, even if they are facing difficult situations like illness, financial struggles, or difficult relationships. The pastor leads a prayer for those who need help finding the hidden treasure in their stones and reminds them to trust in God's promises for a banquet that will last for eternity.

Today's message is going to require a lot of imagination on the part of all of us. The imagination, depending on how one uses it, can be harmful or can be constructive, but we know that I trust that today it will be something very edifying for everyone. It is a word that has come to my heart since the first time I reflected on it.

I shared a reflection on a Wednesday night, in one of the prayer services and people responded so affirmatively to this message that I felt in my heart that I wanted to develop it a little more. And it shocks me so much because there are times when as a preacher I think that the messages that are simpler and simpler are the ones that stick with people the most and it is in that simplicity of life, I believe, where there are the greatest and most profound teachings that we can have. So having said this I want you to accompany me to a passage from the Bible found in Matthew, Chapter 7, beginning in verse 7. I know that it is a passage that many of us know but today I am going to approach this passage from a slightly different perspective.

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