We can expect tender treatment from the Lord

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: The author feels weak and broken after someone said they didn't care about them. They compare themselves to a reed or a smoking wick with no light. However, they find comfort in Jesus' protection and hope that he will turn them on again to shine for his glory.

In truth, I feel as weak and as foldable as a reed. Someone said: "I don't give a damn about you" ; and the expression, though unkind, was still true. Alas, I am inferior to a reed that grows by the river, for she can at least hold her head high. I am broken, greatly, sadly broken. There is no music in me now; there is a crack that lets out all the melody. Oh my! However, Jesus will not break me; and if He won't, then I don't care what others try to do. O sweet and compassionate Lord, I huddle under Your protection, and I forget about my wounds!

In truth it is fair that it also be compared to the "smoking wick", whose light has been extinguished, and only its smoke remains. I'm afraid I'm more of a nuisance than a benefit. My fears tell me that the devil has turned off my light, and has left me an annoying smoke, and that the Lord will soon apply a fire extinguisher. However, I perceive that although there were snuffers under the law, there were no extinguishers; and Jesus will not quench me; therefore, I am hopeful. Lord, turn me on again, and make me shine for Your glory, and for the exaltation of Your tenderness.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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