Live a life with purpose
Mick Da Silva(Audio: Español)
We are going to be reading some verses of the word of the Lord and I want to start with Colossians, chapter 1, verse 16, which reads like this: “…For in him all things were created, those that are in heaven, those that are on earth , visible and invisible, be they thrones, be they dominions, be they principalities, be they powers, everything – say everything with me – was created through him and for him.” Hallelujah!
I want to talk about living a life with purpose, under a divine purpose. Brothers, the Bible teaches us that in order to understand what God's purpose is for our life, for a happy life, I first have to know what purpose God has for my life or what purpose I myself have for my life, for my existence, or What do I want to do with my life? Perhaps this will help us answer personal questions such as what am I doing here, why did I come to this world, what am I doing on this earth. Or questions like until today I am 30 years old, 40 years old, 20 years old, 25, 60 years old and until today I have not found the purpose of my life. Why am I here, what am I doing here?