original lives
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In the book of Numbers, in Chapter 27, I want to preach and develop this topic in honor of our mothers, it is a topic that has to do with a group of women, the daughters of Zelophehad, a member of the Manasseh tribe in Israel.
The Book of Numbers is a book that tells the story of the Jewish people during their pilgrimage in the desert, when Israel was establishing itself, institutionalizing itself, establishing the laws, the institutions that were going to govern that nation upon entering the promised land. And this passage gives us an illustration of how that process of institutionalizing that nation was, and it is a very curious story. I stumbled upon it two or three days ago actually because I've been reading the book of Numbers in my devotional time, it immediately came to mind, wow! What a more appropriate and appropriate passage to preach during Mother's Day, because it shows us the power that women can have many times to sweeten life and bring justice to the world and even change the course of history. Chapter 27 of Numbers says: