Beat the crisis!

Mick Da Silva
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The story in Second Kings chapter 7 describes the overwhelming situation of Samaria, which was under siege and experiencing famine. The king was far from God's ways, and the nation was in complete decadence. Elisha prophesied that the next day, there would be an abundance of food at the gate of Samaria, and it happened. Lessons can be drawn from this story, such as the need for believers to be determined in times of crisis and to take action, which is the visible manifestation of faith. In order to live in days of calamity or face crisis situations, we need to be men and women capable of believing in miracles and walking in a dimension other than the one the world presents to us: the dimension of God.

The sermon focuses on the story of four lepers in the Bible who, despite their difficult situation, take action and walk towards the enemy's camp, only to find that God had caused the Syrians to flee. The preacher emphasizes that in times of crisis, action becomes the visible manifestation of our faith, and that we must have a purpose in life to keep walking on God's path. The message also stresses the importance of generosity and sharing God's blessings with others, as well as taking responsibility for being a light in the world. The preacher encourages the audience to get up and start marching towards their goals, trusting in the Power of God to guide them.

Pastor Tom's message is that God did not put us in our jobs or universities to just earn money or study, but to be a light for others. He showed this by talking to a cashier and giving him a gift, telling him that he is an idea of God and leading him to Jesus. The world needs us to share the bread of life with them, and with the power of the Lord, we can overcome any weakness or disease.

Second Kings chapter 7: "Then Elisha said: Hear the Word of the Lord, thus said the Lord: Tomorrow at this time the seah of fine flour will be worth a cycle, and two seahs of barley a cycle at the gate of Samaria. And a prince on whose arm the king was leaning, the man of God answered and said: Could this be so? And he said: behold, you will see it with your eyes, but you will not eat of it."

"There were at the entrance of the gate four lepers, leper men, who said to each other: why are we staying here until we die? If we try to enter the city, because of the famine that is in the city, we will die in her, and if we stay here we will also die. So let's go now and go to the camp of the Syrians. If they give us life we will live, if they give us death we will die."

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