A missional life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Mark 6:7-13, Jesus calls and sends out his twelve disciples to preach the Gospel and heal the sick. This passage teaches us about living a missional life with purpose, carrying the Word of the Lord everywhere. The elements of a missionary life include unity, faith, stability in relationships, judgment, proclamation of the Gospel of repentance, and flowing in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is important to remember that we are called and sent by God, and our life's purpose is to advance the Kingdom of God. The principle of unity is also emphasized, as we need each other and must cultivate Christian brotherhood, harmony, and love for one another.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of serving and preferring each other to cultivate Christian brotherhood and unity in the Church. He encourages appreciation of diversity and learning to celebrate and love each other. The Christian life is a life of faith, trusting in God's provision and walking one day at a time. The speaker notes that Jesus told the disciples to take only a staff, which represents a guide and support, emphasizing the importance of relying on God's guidance and support in our lives.

The use of a staff in the Bible invites us to balance faith with common sense and recognize our limitations as humans. The principle of not worrying about tomorrow is emphasized, and the importance of stable relationships and serving before preaching is highlighted. It is recommended to stay in one place and create relationships, even in the midst of conflicts, to build character and faithfulness. The message encourages declaring the peace of God in homes and neighborhoods and representing the Kingdom of God wherever one goes.

In this sermon, the pastor emphasizes the importance of creating stable and faithful relationships, declaring the serious and dangerous aspect of the Gospel, preaching a Gospel of repentance, and seeking the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He encourages the congregation to cultivate the presence of God and to do spiritual warfare. The pastor reminds the congregation that they have been called to be a missional Church and to be instruments of God's power.

Let's go to the Word of the Lord Mark chapter 6 verses from 7 to 13, I want to talk about evangelical believers, I want to talk about a missionary life. Not a missionary life, although that word can be used, but a missional life, a life with an awareness that we live on a mission, we are called to a mission and that we are called to be men and women who carry the Word of the Lord everywhere. . "Go into all the world, preach the Gospel, make disciples of the nations."

The last great mandate of the Lord to his disciples and by extension to us as well. We know that the stories that are in the Gospel and in all the Word are left by the Lord there in the pages of the Bible and although they occur in the life of specific individuals at that time or groups as in the case of the twelve disciples they are put there for us to learn those things. They're put there for us to read like we do now and say, you know what? that applies to me too. Although it was applied to the twelve, for example in this case, but also by extension it is applied to me, that is why the Lord left it there so that we could meditate on these things and we would include those elements in our own lives.

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