A secure stay in the love of Jesus

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

RESUMEN: Staying in obedience and staying in the love of Jesus cannot be separated. A life under the rule of Christ is the only way to show we are His delight. We must keep His commandments to receive His love. Sin separates us from His love, and holiness pleases Him. Conscious enjoyment of His love is sensitive to sin and holiness. We must be obedient and consecrated to walk in the light and abide in His love. This promise is sweet and solemn.

Staying in obedience and staying in the love of Jesus are things that cannot be separated. A life under the rule of Christ is the only thing that could show that we are the objects of our Lord's delight. We must keep the commandment of our Lord, if we want to receive the sunshine of His love. If we live in sin, we cannot live in the love of Christ. Without the holiness that pleases God, we could not please Jesus. Who does not give any importance to holiness, knows nothing of the love of Jesus.

Conscious enjoyment of our Lord's love is a delicate matter. It is much more sensitive to sin and holiness than mercury is to cold and heat. When we are tender in heart, and prudent in thought, lips and life, to the honor of our Lord Jesus, then we receive countless signs of His love. If we want to perpetuate this beatitude, we must perpetuate holiness. The Lord Jesus will not hide His face from us unless we hide our face from Him. Sin forms the cloud that darkens our Sun: if we are diligently obedient and fully consecrated, we can walk in the light, as God is in the light. , and we will have a secure abiding in the love of Jesus as Jesus has it in the love of the Father. Here we have a sweet promise with a solemn "yes". Lord, put this "yes" in my hand; Well, like a key, open this jewelry box.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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