A church without walls

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The pastor shared his experience at a multi-ethnic ministries conference, where he spoke about building multicultural ministries and the challenges that come with it. He shared a comment he made that hit a nerve with African-American attendees, but they were able to understand each other better after discussing their different perspectives. The pastor then talked about Zechariah Chapter 2 and how it talks about Jerusalem being a city without walls, with God as a wall of fire around it and His glory living in the midst of it. He talked about the new learning that comes with being part of a church without walls and how God is the one who protects us from outside influences.

The speaker discusses the concept of a church without walls and how it applies to the larger plan of God, which includes multiple cultures and ethnic groups. He emphasizes the need for openness and willingness to learn and adjust to new dynamics and people. He also highlights the importance of unity within the church as a prerequisite for seeking unity with other groups. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about helping a person in need and emphasizes the importance of depending on the power of God for guidance and nutrition.

The pastor speaks about the importance of unity within the church before seeking unity with other ethnic and cultural groups. He emphasizes the need for the church to learn how to share common needs with each other and work together to reduce youth violence and impact political systems. While each cultural group has a calling to minister to its particular group, the vision and plan of God surpasses all cultural differences. The pastor believes that learning to live with other cultural groups in the church gives us a glimpse of what we will experience in heaven. He shares his dream of bringing revival to the New England region by working together as a united body of Christ.

The speaker describes a prayer meeting where people are praying for revival in their churches and region, but he receives a message that God wants to give revival, but they are not ready to receive it because they are not united. He encourages listeners to work towards unity and to see each other in the light of the story that God is making with each of them. He asks for God's help in connecting with others, including those who are different from us, and to have difficult conversations with grace and wisdom. The speaker prays for God's glory to be manifested in the church and for unity among churches in the community.

There is something that the Lord has placed in my heart that I want to share with you and it is something that is very recent in my heart, it is something that I have been inspired -as they say, this weekend- to share this word. And believe me that it is not a message that is not spiritual, I think that this message is super spiritual, but perhaps I am not going to hear many "amens" or many "hallelujahs", but I do hope that each one of your minds, your hearts and their spirits leave here with a different conviction.

It is my hope that you can walk away today with a sense of being more open to what God is doing in your midst. As we have heard a lot in the last few months, this prophetic Word is being talked about that God wants to do something in our midst, that God is going to bring a new move here to the New England area. And whenever we hear that word we say “Amen”, right? Can we say amen to that? What do we want to see a move of God in our midst? A movement that covers children, that covers young people, that covers adults; but also a move that will undoubtedly cover the entire church with a capital "I" so to speak. The body of Christ wherever it gathers on the face of the Earth.

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