A diverse spirituality

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon discusses the concept of spirituality and the different types of spiritualities that exist within the Christian faith. These include liturgical and orthodox spirituality, Pentecostal spirituality, evangelical spirituality, activist spirituality, prophetic spirituality, and fundamentalist spirituality. The sermon emphasizes the importance of recognizing and understanding these different spiritualities to avoid becoming disoriented in one's faith. The sermon also highlights the importance of expressing gifts within the framework of love and consideration for others.

The different spiritualities within the Christian faith, such as Pentecostal, holiness, and separatist, all emphasize different aspects of the truth found in Scripture. It is important to recognize and appreciate these different traditions and the people who have influenced them, as they enrich and qualify our religious thinking. In León de Judá, the church values and includes elements of each tradition, such as social justice, holiness, and emphasis on Scripture. The church also emphasizes the importance of maintaining balance and a reverence for the presence of God.

The speaker believes that diversity and inclusivity are important in the Christian life and that we can learn from different spiritualities and traditions. He draws an illustration from mixed martial arts, where different martial arts are mixed to create an invincible synthesis. He believes that understanding the history of the church can free us from errors and presumption, and help us to be more tolerant and less willing to rashly condemn or impulsively adopt. He also believes that we can learn from apparently different groups in the Christian church, and that Christian doctrine is complex, so we should look at the beauty in different intuitions.

To understand God's complexity and avoid heresy, Christians should have experiences with God, study the word, and take discipleship classes. We need to know who God is and analyze different movements in the light of divine understanding. The goal is to be a balanced and complex church that recognizes the beauty of God's revelation in his whole body. We ask for wisdom and sobriety to discern what is of God and what is not. We celebrate the multifaceted beauty of God's word and ask to be like Christ, balanced and comprehensive.

Last Sunday we talked about a practical spirituality, a practical faith. How many remember anything from that sermon? Balance between the spiritual and the practical. Let me see if maybe I can quickly figure something out here. I wrote a summary of Sunday's sermon for you to remember, where Paul in Chapter 14 talks about keeping a balance when we express the gifts of the spirit in light of a number of different considerations: love, building others up, caring. to visitors and non-believers, a number of things.

Let me quickly read some of last week's sermon so you can get an idea of where I'm going. Because I want to speak this morning about a diverse spirituality, a varied, diversified spirituality. But before that I title this summary 'Gifts should only be expressed within the framework of love.'

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