An Appointment with Christ: The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1) Part 5
Dr. Roberto Miranda(: )
My beloved brothers, may the Lord continue to bless you. In this session we are going to continue talking about the Parable of the sower, which, as we know very well, is found in the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, Chapter 13. For those radio listeners who are tuning in for the first time and who have not been Following with us this series of teachings, we are studying this parable of the sower and we seek through it to make a comparison of the different types of people who receive and listen to the Gospel and their different ways of reacting to the seed of the word of God.
We have talked about the person who is like the seed that is thrown along the road, who does not receive the word attentively, does not give it the necessary importance, but is a superficial listener, he simply forgets the word, the devil comes and easily snatches the teaching from his mind. And that person continues in his life of perdition because he did not listen carefully, giving the proper importance to the word of God.