An Appointment with Christ: The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In this sermon, Roberto Miranda emphasizes the power of the word of God to transform lives and encourages listeners to seek a deeper relationship with God beyond just listening to the radio. He stresses the importance of congregating with other believers and living the Christian life in the context of a community of faith. Miranda then begins to discuss the well-known passage of the multiplication of the loaves and fish in Mark 6, highlighting the importance of leaving and returning to Jesus in fellowship and intimacy. He emphasizes the need for believers to live in constant communication with God, seeking His strength and wisdom in all aspects of their lives.

My dear brothers and sisters, may the Lord bless you, this is Roberto Miranda speaking; and I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. Before going into the study of the passage that God has placed in my heart, I want to share with you my gratitude to the Lord and to you also for allowing me every week to come and get closer to your lives and share the word of the Lord. I consider this a great privilege and I do it because I feel and have the conviction that this word of God that we share with you every week has power to transform your lives.

The word of God is alive and effective. The Bible says that "it is sharper than any two-edged sword", and that word when it enters our lives does transforming works, it is the very life of God that is entering our hearts and minds and operating radical changes in our personality. When we listen to the word of God with faith, with reverence and with humility letting its truth enter our hearts and that God fulfills the purpose he has by sending that word into our lives, that word will do wonderful things within us because it is the word of God and the Bible says "that the word of God never returns to him empty but always fulfills the purpose for which it was sent"; so you who listen to me every week remember that what you are listening to and receiving is the very life of God. It is not the word of man, it is not the word of Roberto Miranda because when I preach, I preach in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit, not trusting in my own strength, but trusting that I am simply a channel, an instrument to may that life-giving word of God enter your life and may divine energy do transformative works in your life.

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