A clamor at the level of red hot

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In this meditation, we reflect on the story of the widow who approached the prophet Elisha in urgent need of help. The woman cried out to Elisha, presenting her situation with force and insistence. This reminds us of the importance of going to the Lord with passionate, urgent, and clear requests when we are in difficult situations. We should present our needs to God in great detail and specificity, as He likes passionate requests. When we pour out our soul before God, He honors heartfelt requests and unleashes His powerful intervention. Let us confidently approach the Throne of Grace to receive timely help.

I want to begin with a series of meditations that enter us into the ministry of the prophet Elisha, and we see his powerful interventions that are intended by the Word of God to strengthen our faith in a God of power, a God of mercy, a God who intervenes to favor of His children when they cry out to Him.

The first passage that I have in mind is the well-known passage of Elisha meeting a widow who asks him for help after her husband has died. This woman approaches the prophet Elisha and the Bible says that this daughter of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying: "Your servant, my husband, has died, and you know that your servant was fearing Jehovah. And the creditor has come to take two of my children for servants. "

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