A good Samaritan gets upset

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The sermon discusses the importance of evangelism and effective ways to share the Gospel with others. It uses the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 to emphasize the importance of loving God and loving others. The sermon also highlights the need for personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the danger of putting anything above God. It encourages listeners to make sure they have settled accounts with God and to prioritize their relationship with Him above all else.

The parable of the good Samaritan is not just a story of someone being generous to another person, but a drama about the Gospel in its entirety. The man who fell into the hands of robbers is a symbol of fallen humanity without Christ, while the good Samaritan is an image of Christ himself. The world is dangerous and full of traps, and without the wisdom of the Word of God, people fall into addictions and vices. But the Gospel when lived as it should be lived is a protective fence around one. The Word of God is a refuge, a defense, and a support, and we have to tell people to come to the Gospel so that they can acquire the knowledge that can save them and help them walk correctly in life.

The Word of God is a refuge and support in times of difficulty. The Church needs to be a Church of love and mercy, breaking our hearts with what breaks God's heart. The Church needs to be a place where people can find refuge and support in times of loneliness and need. We need to be a Church of fishermen and hunters of the Kingdom of God, bringing souls to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We need to be a Church of mercy that invites each other to our homes and shows compassion to those who are suffering. We need to preach the full Gospel and be committed to doing works of justice wherever we are. We need to dare to cast the net and catch people in the city for Christ. When people come to Christ, they need to be taught, discipled and consolidated.

When people come to Christ, they are saved but still have wounds and vices that need to be healed. It's important to teach and disciple them, walking with them and caring for them like a spiritual mother or father. The story of the Good Samaritan shows us the importance of investing in people's lives and helping them grow in their faith. We need to be a Church of mercy, love, and Gospel proclamation, committed to being the salt of the Earth and spreading the rich flavor of the Gospel.

Luke 10 verse 25 to 37. This is a well-known story, a parable of the Lord, the good Samaritan. This image of the good Samaritan has stuck in the sensibility of humanity through the centuries, many artistic works including the Renaissance, the Middle Ages, hopefully there Marlene would get one of the good Samaritan and put it there one of those works of art. There have been many artistic performances there of that figure the Good Samaritan. Some of the best theological and narrative artistic minds have dedicated themselves to expressing images about that moment that denotes the parable of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And I want to talk a little about that parable of the Lord in this time when God has moved our hearts to dedicate ourselves to evangelizing our community and doing what I call intentional evangelism, because we do a lot of evangelism in many ways and that is why our The Church has been growing through the years but we have never had campaigns or special events like this so many dedicated solely to evangelizing or strategies but we do have many things, for example we have homes in the city that open their doors and we want to include more of them , so many things.

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