We all need another chance
Omar Soto(Audio: Español)
In Luke chapter 13, Jesus tells the parable of a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, but it did not bear fruit. The owner wanted to cut it down, but the vinedresser asked for another chance to fertilize it and see if it would bear fruit. This parable teaches us that we all need another chance to bear fruit in our lives, to live according to the gospel of Christ Jesus. We may have potential, but if we do not execute based on that potential, it is useless. We need to live ethically and transmit our life of faith to practical life, even when it is difficult to love or forgive someone. God gives us second and even multiple chances, but we need to take action to bear fruit and live according to His will.
The speaker encourages listeners to submit to leaders with different philosophies, and to strive to align with God's expectations. He uses the parable of the fig tree to illustrate God's mercy and grace, and urges listeners to take advantage of opportunities for change and growth. The prayer at the end asks for God's guidance and help in making necessary changes in character and behavior.
The prayer asks for God's guidance and blessings on marriages, the church, and those who may come across their online presence. It also asks for courage to make necessary changes in thoughts, speech, and actions to align with God's principles. The prayer declares that tonight is a night of new opportunities, made possible through Jesus' intercession.Verse 6, Luke chapter 13 verse 6 onwards. The title that I have given tonight's message is as follows: we all need another chance. Listen well, we all need another chance. To let you know, I believe that this message today was greatly inspired by the message that Pastor Andrés shared with us last Wednesday, if you were not here a brief summary Pastor Andrés was inspired by God to speak on the subject of forgiveness , and how important it is for us as believers, as children of God, to be able to understand, the power exists in the power to give and ask for forgiveness.
That many times, due to human instincts, we prefer to hide things and keep things, and not experience the healing that can come to our lives or the lives of other people, when we dare to forgive or ask for forgiveness, and there are times So we prefer to let time fix things, but in the beginning, in God's system, time doesn't necessarily fix things, but it is God, working through those intentional actions that He asks of us, of us to recognize our faults and ask for forgiveness when we fail, as well as granting forgiveness to other people when they have failed against us.