To avoid conflict, we need to submit our character to the Lord's treatment

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: When people in ministry are not sufficiently treated by the Holy Spirit and conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, negative things can happen in the Kingdom of God. It's important to continually submit our mind, character, temperament, and way of being to the Lord's treatment. When the world mindset infiltrates the Kingdom, conflicts arise, and inconsistencies and difficulties occur. We need to avoid the flesh intervening in the affairs of the Kingdom and conduct ourselves in the way of Jesus Christ.

When there are people in the ministry who have not been sufficiently treated by the Holy Spirit and have not been conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, inevitably there will be sins, contradictions, conflicts, damage, exploitation of others and many negative things that are all works of the flesh.

When we work in the Kingdom of God, when we are involved in some type of ministry it is so important that we continually submit our mind, our character, our temperament, our way of being to the Lord's treatment.

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