Times to rest

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: It is important for disciples to take breaks and rest in the Lord, as even Jesus took time to rest with his disciples. Life is not just about working for the Kingdom, but also about taking time to rest, spend time with family, and recharge. Pastors and leaders should also prioritize rest and time with their families, and churches should give their leaders time off for family activities. Growth systems that take advantage of people and lead to burnout should be avoided. It is important to have a balanced rhythm of work and rest to renew ourselves and give more to the ministry.

It is important that as disciples we leave Jesus but also return to Jesus at the end of the day of any ministerial journey. We have to go again and again and return to the trunk that is the Lord who gives us the power and grace to do all the things we do.

Mark 6: 30,31 says: "After they had shared with the Lord, He said to them: 'Come yourselves apart to a deserted place and rest a little', because there were many who came and went, so that not even they had time to eat and they went alone in a boat to a deserted place. "

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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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