The value of the church in a world in spiritual ruin

Faustino de Jesús Zamora VargasWe recently celebrated the first anniversary of the church where I congregate with my family. Among the guests were some neighbors; some disbelievers and other proselytes of the Afro-Cuban religions so widespread in my country. But they were there by the grace of God. As we do not have a temple, we rented a small open-air venue from a neighbor and right there we celebrated with gratitude to the Lord for our first year of life. A young man, representing his ministry, sang "I want a church", by the adorer René González and what we did not know is that God had a beautiful purpose that day for his people gathered there. The rain that God sent in the middle of the guest preacher's sermon made us all huddle together in the only roofed space that the premises had. There, in a tight mass that tried not to get wet, the Lord squeezed Christians and non-Christians. What symbolism!
A guest approached me. "Listen to me, what is the name of the song that the boy sang?"