The value of ministering like Jesus

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Ministry is a calling, not an office. Christians are called to serve the Lord and minister to the needs of others. We are like rowers who are "chained" to Christ and work for the good of others. Our calling is radical and immutable. The church needs more good ministers who adhere to divine standards. Let's serve the Lord with joy and say like Joshua, "But I and my house will serve the Lord."

Ministry is a calling, not an office. This calling is spiritual in nature, never carnal; it is divine, never earthly. He chose me first and then called me to minister. It is a privilege, not an imposition. We have been called to serve the Lord. "But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his wonderful grace" (Ga 1.15). What did God call us to do but to serve him?

Our calling is to be ministers of Jesus Christ and that concerns all of us who have received salvation by grace through faith. The identity of the Christian is manifested in the service that naturally flows from the love of God in our hearts to minister to him and minister to the needs of others, whether they are believers or not.

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