The table is served

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: There is a new wine of the Spirit that requires a new wineskin to hold it. The old wineskin of our old nature cannot hold this new wine, and so we must throw it away and be born again. We are the temple where the Spirit dwells, and by the grace of Salvation, we have a new identity as the Son of God. God calls us to immerse ourselves in his waters and sit at his table, where he is waiting for us with open arms.

There is a new wine for those who thirst for the Word, and even more, for those who are still lost in the false promises of a better world without God. There is a recently fermented wine that requires new resistant and firm wineskins so that they do not break and spill. God worked the sowing in his immense vineyard, Christ harvested the vine in his heart in obedience to his Father and as if that were not enough, he paid the full price of all the farming with his life, providing free wages to the workers without any of them deserving it. And the Spirit, since then, never tires of offering such great benefit to this humanity; they are cups covered in a sweet must, nectar from heaven, like manna enriched by the anointing procured in the harmonic oneness of all deity. The created being, despite this, prefers to ignore its creator, but He prefers to keep saving the best wine for the end of the party.

There is a man in need, who in his self-sufficiency seeks the acceptance of the world. He is an expert in judging and trying to control his fellow man, believing he has such authority. He claims to feel full because of his dedication to folly, but he is empty because of impiety. He claims to have found happiness and purpose for his existence, but is consumed while alive by the vice of his delusions rigged by the prince of darkness, who promises success and good times at the cost of devouring his soul. Their wineskins are as old as their soul, they cannot be mended, they are worn and they do not resist the freshness of the Spirit's anointing with its new wine, with its new purity, with the hope that it brings with it, in its texture, in its smell, in its renewed structure of breaths and new dreams. This man needs to be born again.

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