The pearl of great price

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The formation of a pearl is a process that takes years and begins with an irritant entering an oyster, causing it to release a substance known as mother-of-pearl. The substance covers the irritant, forming the pearl. In the Bible, the pearl of great price is often interpreted as Jesus, but the preacher suggests that we are the pearls and Jesus is the merchant seeking something of great value. Our experiences of pain and irritation, whether accidental or intentional, are the layers of mother-of-pearl that make us valuable to Jesus. The preacher encourages us to see ourselves as valuable pearls and to recognize that the Lord sees the value in our lives, even when we don't.

The Lord sees the value in each of us, no matter how small or despised by others. He takes pity on us and knows our struggles. We should allow Him to determine the value of our lives, not other people. We should see ourselves in the light of His truth and let Him fulfill His purpose in our lives. The Word of God is life, light, and truth, and we should let it affect us deeply. Let us be content with being part of His Kingdom and finding our unique identity through Him. May His love abound in our lives always. Amen.

A few months ago, I received an email from a sister who talked about the formation of a pearl, and that reflection made me stop and much of what I read there was about processes that one also goes through in life. And today I have felt like taking that reflection and putting it in context as a preaching to share it here with you.

And I titled it as the pearl of great price, I know that many of you will recognize it because it is a parable in the Bible, but I ask you, I don't know how many of you will know, how is the process of forming a pearl? Those who are scientists, those who like science, in very simple words I can explain this to you. A pearl the way it develops, you know that the pearl is inside an oyster, and that oyster has to be fed every time the shell is opened, what you see inside is what they usually eat, which is a mollusc , the little animal that is in there, when that mollusk opens, obviously what it is looking for is its food and many times when it opens many unwanted agents enter its shell, it can be a grain of earth, it can be a little piece of coral, or It could be some other animal's waste, something like that.

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