The challenge of growing through good works

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Acting in Christ's way is not just doing things for Him, it is about having faith and allowing Him to work through us. Focusing on what we can do for God can lead to pride and self-exaltation. Our new life in Christ is founded on faith and nourished by it, so good works become natural. Good works are not about seeking recognition or approval, but about glorifying God and fulfilling His will. As we grow in faith, the good deeds we perform raise our spiritual stature. We must add to our faith the fruits of good works, which complement each other in favor of others. We are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God ordained in advance for us to put into practice.

Acting in Christ's way is more than doing something for Him. The first is focused on faith, the second is focused on what man can do. It is impossible to meet God's expectations if we focus on what we can do for Him because we will never reach a state of satisfaction that leaves us totally excited. We will always have the feeling that we need to do something more. Life based on what we do for God will inevitably put God second and bring a certain self-exaltation and pride in the long run. The Christian acquires a new perspective of holiness if, in working with God, one is convinced that our life in Christ is founded on what He has already done (and does every day) for us.

My first response to the metamorphosis of conversion was to enroll as a job "for God" appeared. And if it didn't appear, I would believe it. He was convinced that "spending myself for God" accumulating hours of service and consecration in any work, was the right thing to do. Years later God made me understand that I was wrong. Rather than looking to my faith for the reason for acting on behalf of the gospel of Christ, I was more focused on what would apparently make me receive the most blessing. I delighted in making plans for Christ and unconsciously tried to carry them out with my own resources. Works, that is, my performance and human performance, mattered more to me than my faith. It seemed to me that without good works it was impossible to please God.

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