The Christmas story shines through the Book of Ruth

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Book of Ruth has many elements that are connected with Christmas and the main themes of the Gospel. It reminds us that God has been planning the history of Christmas from the beginning and the entire Bible leads towards the person of Jesus Christ. The story of Ruth also has similarities to the birth of Jesus, such as Ruth being an outsider from a pagan nation, which reminds us of Gentiles being outsiders who are now called God's people. The Christmas story also involves outsiders, such as the wise men and the shepherds, who witness the birth of Jesus. The Lord has always had a preference for the poor, the weak, and the outsiders.

The story of Ruth in the Bible reminds us of the inclusive nature of the Gospel, as she, a poor and foreign woman, is included in the lineage of Jesus. Additionally, the fact that the story takes place in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, connects us to the Christmas story. Boaz, who is from the tribe of Judah, is also a direct ancestor of Jesus, fulfilling the prophecy that the Messiah would come from that tribe. Overall, the story of Ruth highlights God's grace and mercy, and His plan to include all nations in His salvation.

The Book of Ruth and the Christmas story both have themes of redemption through grace and mercy. Boaz is seen as a type of Christ redeeming Ruth, and his character showcases integrity, nobility, and generosity. Ruth takes refuge under the protection of Boaz, just as we must take refuge under the wings of Jesus. The story also highlights the idea of God choosing the impossible to bring forth life and healing, seen in Boaz's advanced age and the miraculous birth of his son. Ultimately, the story reminds us to approach God and seek refuge in Him for salvation and life.

To experience the saving power of Christ, we must draw closer to Him, seek refuge in Him, and receive His grace and mercy. The Christmas story reminds us that God sacrificed Himself so that we may have life in abundance. Let us approach Him with gratitude and surrender. May God guide us and bless us this day. Amen.

The Book of Ruth: if you take a good look at it you will realize that it has many elements that are connected with Christmas, it is a very interesting book. When I began to ask the Lord: Father, because I feel this affinity that there is in the Book but I don't know exactly where those points of affinity are between the Book of Ruth, the principles that this book indicates and the Christmas story, I began to explore : ok where are those connections and why does this Book remind me so much of the Christmas theme? and frankly it has opened up a new perspective on the Book of Ruth that I didn't have before, it has enriched me and I want to share with you some thoughts about that.

And I don't want this to be seen as simply a theological discussion or conference because this has many applications for our lives, I think it is a very practical teaching. But it also teaches us sometimes how we should explore the Scriptures, that the Scriptures sometimes have themes underneath that unless we dig deeper we don't discover them and a whole dimension of this book has opened up for me.

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