Take the plunge and walk by faith

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: In Matthew 2, Wise Men from the East come to Jerusalem looking for the King of the Jews who has been born, guided by a star. They eventually find Jesus and present Him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The journey of the Wise Men reminds us of the journeys that God calls us to take in our Christian lives, which often require faith and trust in God to reveal the way step by step. We should also remember that God reveals Himself to those who are seeking Him, regardless of their level of knowledge or theological understanding. We should be open to the mystery and sovereignty of God, recognizing that He can reveal Himself to people in ways that we may not expect or understand.

The Christian life is a journey of faith where we must trust in God and take steps even when we don't have all the details. We should be daring and live creative lives, trusting that God will be with us and guide us even when we make mistakes. God recycles everything we release for His glory and our blessing. We should keep taking one step of faith ahead of the other, even when we face challenges, because God knows the details of the journey. Ultimately, we will see Christ face to face and all the details of the day will be left behind. We should begin our journey of faith with joy and trust in God's mercy and goodness.

Matthew, Chapter 2. It says here: ‘When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, Magi from the East came to Jerusalem saying: “Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? Because we have seen his star in the East and we have come to adore him. Hearing this King Herod was troubled and all Jerusalem with him and summoned all the chief priests and the scribes of the people asked them where the Christ was to be born. And having summoned all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, he asked them 'Where was the Christ to be born?'

“They said to him: In Bethlehem of Judea because so it is written by the prophet and you Bethlehem of the land of Judah are not the least among the princes of Judah because from you will come a leader who will shepherd my people Israel. Then Herod, secretly calling the magicians, inquired from them diligently the time of the appearance of the star. And sending them to Bethlehem he said: "Go there and inquire diligently about the child and when you find him let me know so that I too can go and adore him."

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