
Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The author had two recurring nightmares as a child about being chased by people and a train. They thought the dreams had a mystical connotation and were cursed. However, later in life, they realized that their negative attitudes and actions were attracting problems and causing them to feel persecuted. After finding faith in Christ, they no longer have these nightmares and have found peace and joy. They encourage others to surrender to God's divine arms and find the same blessings they have.

Many people worry when they have a dream that impacts them, these dreams are almost never pleasant, the most shocking dreams are, generally, nightmares and it is because of that effect that it causes on us that they sometimes become recurring. But dreams are just that, dreams and although they are a consequence of the reality we live in, we should not look in them for a message that goes beyond the reflection of our life.

I had 2 dreams of this type, they began when I was a child and one was my arrival at a house where there was a black doll of those that they put in places where witchcraft is practiced and the owner told me not to take it, but in A carelessness of her I took it and it fell to the floor and lying on the floor, she opened her eyes and said to me: - they will haunt you all your life, you will never have peace of mind. At that moment I run out of the house and people begin to fall behind me, increasing in number, until I arrive at a mansion as if far away in the field and I run in and stall but I still feel the noise of the people outside, there is that I always wake up.

The other dream was that I was riding my velocipede, (there you can tell since my age I have it) on a train line and suddenly, the train was coming, I accelerated but when I saw that the train was coming over me , I leave the line, but the train also leaves behind me, and it is chasing me, until I wake up horrified.

I have tried to analyze them at various stages of my life and I always thought they had to do with a curse or something like that, for me they had a mystical connotation. None of that, my mother visited friends who practiced Santeria and a girl could not understand why they would not let her touch a doll that was within her reach and was a toy. Maybe I overheard some conversation there that I shouldn't have heard and that, given my age, I misinterpreted. For years those dreams were significant and I really felt persecuted, problems came into my life as if I had a magnet for them. Today I realize that the magnet was my attitudes, I was so immersed in mundane life that I did everything the other way around and the only thing I managed was to attract problems and therefore I felt that everyone was against me, that they envied me and only wanted to harm me. , I know that I am not the only one who feels that, today there must be many people living a life like the one I lived.

Christ came to change all that, I have never felt like then again because I walk in another direction and try not to let go of his hand, my fears have dissipated and my relationships have improved, the dreams have vanished and the anxiety and the stress have been exchanged for your peace. He really offers us a death to lives like that to be born in Him to a peaceful life, He gives us security, because whatever we do, He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself, we just have to surrender ourselves to His divine arms. and all our burdens will go with Him forever, our Lord has the power to change troubled lives into lives full of his joy and fullness. We are sure of what we say, that is why we must share it, we would be selfish if we wanted this blessing only for ourselves when there is for everyone.

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