Spiritual or carnal warfare?

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The article discusses a situation where someone's daughter has married a Babalao (a practitioner of Santeria or other Afro-Caribbean religions). Instead of fighting or rejecting the Babalao, the author suggests presenting the person to God through prayer and fasting, trusting that God has a purpose for everything. The author also reminds readers to be meek as doves but cunning as snakes, and to remember that we do not fight against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers. The article concludes by encouraging readers to share the love and mercy of Christ with those who are lost, and to be part of the solution rather than the problem.

A few days ago I received an email to which for reasons of discretion I have omitted some details, but I thought it necessary to share it because I know that it is a situation to which we have been exposed in some way at some point. The email in question said the following: "I have a problem, my daughter is married to a babalao and from there my life and that of my family turned into chaos, I would like you to explain to me knowingly what I am dealing with and what I should do. "

In truth this person has a problem because he is dealing with someone who does not know Christ, he has simply made a pact with Satan because he does not know any better. Generally in these cases we try to fight with our strength, which would bring problems within the family and estrangement with his daughter. We must remember that the word says to be "meek as doves, but cunning as snakes" and that is what we are going to do in cases like this.

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