Sin of unbelief

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Spiritual blindness requires recognition, courage, and humility. Unbelief is darkness, and the only cure is faith. Jesus is the light that can illuminate spiritual eyes and give sight to the blind. Those who reject the light will be blinded by their vanity, while those who accept it will walk as children of light. Only Christ can be the source of light, and we must collaborate with Him in breaking down the sin of unbelief.

Recognizing spiritual blindness requires courage and humility. True conversion is an act of submission before God. Unbelief makes you a sinner. To walk “dead in trespasses and sins” is to live condemned to darkness. The creation story tells us that darkness and chaos ruled the earth. That is why on the first day God created light : Then God said: "Let there be light." And there was light. (Genesis 1.3).

The man sees, but does not discern with his eyes because he is blind. Blindness does not make you see where the truth is. He thinks he sees but constantly stumbles. Unaware of his lack of vision, he lives as if he really sees, but dies every day from lack of light. Unbelief is the absence of light. The gospel is light. "And this is the judgment: that light came into the world, and men loved darkness more than light, because their actions were evil" (John 3:19). This is the point: the actions of man do not let see the light.

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