Setting our priorities

Fanny Rodríguez
Fanny Rodríguez

SUMMARY: Watching children build a sandcastle and then seeing it destroyed by a wave made me realize how we should be like children - focusing on enjoying the present instead of worrying about the future. We should prioritize love, as it is the only thing that will not pass. As parents, we should sow love into our children and nurture our families with love. We should seek guidance from God's word and prioritize our relationship with Him. We should strive to pour out God's love to others and not let worldly anxieties cloud our priorities.

On a summer day, I was watching some children who were playing and building a sand castle. They worked hard, bringing water to moisten the sand, using buckets and glasses to form the towers and their tops. With their little fingers they formed doors and windows; many hours were spent entertaining in this project. In the afternoon the tide began to rise, you can imagine what happened, a wave completely destroyed the castle before their eyes. I was saddened and hoped to see the children looking for their parents crying, but it was not like that. They ran down the beach, laughing and screaming.

Now I understand how the Lord calls us to be like children, they did not care about what they had built but about continuing to enjoy it. How many things worry us and take away our peace. We are eager to build a professional career, a financial life that allows us to live comfortably and many other things that are not negative in themselves but consume all of our time, our thinking and our efforts. The word of God warns us that all this will pass, but the only thing that will not perish is love. You have asked yourself: What am I sowing in my children? You are giving them your time and care, you are feeding your home and your marriage with the only thing that does not perish, love. Take time daily to find wisdom and guidance in the Word alone with the Lord.

Prayer: Lord thank you because your word is a light on my path, forgive the times I forget that you are the first thing in my life, that the family that you have given me is to nourish it with the love that I receive from you. Help me to be a glass molded by you that can pour out your love continuously and that the anxieties for the things of this world do not cloud the priorities in my life. Fill me daily with your presence so that others can see you through me. Amen.

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