Serving Jesus without Jesus is torture
Gregory Bishop(Audio: Español)
The pastor speaks about the filling of the Holy Spirit and the need for each person to be a vehicle for the Holy Spirit. The Book of Judges shows how the Lord puts his spirit on his people to fight against their enemies. Gideon is an example of a fearful and unqualified man who, after being touched by the Holy Spirit, blew the trumpet with authority from heaven, and the whole nation followed him. The Holy Spirit clothed Gideon, as if he was acting for him, or as if God was acting through him. The pastor encourages the congregation to be clothed with the Holy Spirit and be vehicles for His power.
The message is about the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit and being used by God. The speaker uses the example of Samson, an anointed man who was chosen by God to deliver his people from the Philistines. The Holy Spirit fell on Samson four times, giving him supernatural strength to do things that he couldn't do on his own. The speaker encourages the audience to seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit and to allow the Holy Spirit to move within them, even if it causes restlessness or discomfort. He also stresses the importance of living a holy life and not using Samson's example as an excuse for sinful behavior. Finally, the speaker mentions that the Holy Spirit can amplify natural talents and abilities, making it easier to serve Jesus effectively.
The Holy Spirit helps people to do the natural in a supernatural way, and there are some gifts that are completely supernatural. It is important to have private experiences with the Holy Spirit to learn what God can do through you in public. Samson's anointing and success increased, starting in private, then moving to public, and finally entering into glory. The Holy Spirit came upon Samson to break his bonds and fight to set others free. We need genuine power among us to break the invisible ties of sin and addiction.
The pastor is urging the congregation to seek genuine power from God, rather than fabricated experiences. He references the story of Gideon and how God used him to free his people. The pastor believes that God will anoint and use ordinary people to do the impossible, and calls on the congregation to renew their commitment to being a Pentecostal church. He invites them to pray and offer their lives to God for His use.Book of Judges. The pastor has been speaking in these weeks about the filling of the Holy Spirit, about the fact that God pours out his Holy Spirit on his people and he wants to revive us. We are an evangelical church in which we believe in the word of God. We are also an evangelistic church and we also believe in works of mercy in society. But most of all, and first of all, we are a Pentecostal church. Even though we are Baptists, how crazy. It is a Baptist church but it is a Pentecostal church that believes that the Holy Spirit lives among its people and that without the anointing of that Holy Spirit we are not going anywhere. But with him pouring out his power on us there is nothing we cannot do in his name. And that's why the pastor is preaching about this these days, because every once in a while we have to revive ourselves in this, reconsecrate ourselves to the filling of the Holy Spirit.
But we also have a lot of new people who haven't heard of it and that's why we have to take the time to talk about it. My goal today is to talk about the need and the call for each one of us to dispose ourselves to the use of the Holy Spirit, to be vehicles for the Holy Spirit. This works in English, I don't know if it works in Spanish. To say, I want to be a vehicle for the Holy Spirit as if I were a car and I want to say that if you want you can drive it. Here I am, for your use, if you want to fill me up and use me, I am at your service, Lord. And some think, well, this is not for me because I don't know, I still have problems, I still have struggles, I am not like those, or that person, the truth is that the main qualification, and we are going to see that, for this fullness of the Holy Spirit is a willing heart.