Serve the best of all lords

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: Serving Jesus is the greatest honor and delight, and our reward will be in heaven. We should strive to look out for His interests and be humble and patient servants. This is a promise that we will be honored by the Lord himself.

He who watches over the fig tree, receives figs in exchange for his worries, and he who looks after the interests of a good lord, receives honor as a reward. Truly the Lord Jesus is the best of all lords, and it is an honor that someone is allowed to do the smallest act for His sake. Serving certain gentlemen is like watching over crab apple trees and eat bitter apples for wages; but to serve my Lord Jesus is to care for a fig tree that produces the sweetest figs. Your service is itself a delight, the continuation of that service is a promotion, and success in that service is the blessing here below, and the reward for that service is the glory above.

Our greatest honors will be collected at that time when the figs are ripe, in the world to come. The angels who are now our servants will take us home when our work day is over. Heaven where Jesus is will be our honorable mansion, eternal bliss will be our honorable portion, and the Lord himself will be our honorable companion. Who could imagine the full meaning of this promise: "He who looks out for the interests of his master will be honored"?

Lord, help me to look out for my Master's interests. Make me save all ideas of honor for the hour when You yourself will honor me. May Your Holy Spirit make me a humble and patient worker and servant!

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.

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