Classic Sermon #6060: We are the salt of the earth

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Luke 13 and Matthew 5, Jesus compares the church to salt, light, a mustard seed, and yeast, highlighting the new nature that believers have in Christ. When we enter the kingdom of God, we receive a new nature that includes power, influence, and grace. However, many believers are not aware of this new nature and fail to cultivate it. We must fight against the devil and the natural inertia of this world to enter into our inheritance and use our power. Trials and struggles will come, but if we persist in the name of the Lord, we will ultimately win.

The world is full of conflict and struggle, but as Christians, we are called to be warriors and soldiers in God's army. God has given us a vision, but we must persist and resist the devil's lies. We must cultivate a warrior mentality and understand that we are here to establish the dominion of Jesus with power and wisdom. Our call is to conquer and establish our influence, not for our glory, but to bring blessing and life to those who need the knowledge of Jesus. The church was called to establish the dominion of God on earth and politically, socially, and culturally dominate the culture, but power can corrupt. As the church awakens to its power and moves in the way God has established, it can easily go back up and establish the kingdom of heaven on earth.

The church of Christ has the power to be a preserving agent in society and prevent the natural process of deterioration that exists in humanity. The church has historically played this role, maintaining culture and preserving knowledge. The church is called to be salt on the earth and to come to places of decay and put the life of God there. Churches must not fall in love with their prosperity, but instead hate their comfort and plunge into the abyss in the name of the Lord. God has already shown his power and positive influence in the community where the Church of Jesus Christ has entered.

The speaker talks about how God has already begun to bring positive change in the community they are in. They have seen drug addicts and prostitutes disappear from an alley because of the Church's presence. He encourages Christians to not be afraid and to look the devil in the eye, as demons hate to see the grace of God in believers. He also reminds them that in Christ, there is victory and to give thanks during trials, as they lead to exercise and growth in faith. Lastly, he reminds them that they are agents of light, grace, life, and blessing, called to live as children of the King.

We are going to go to Luke 13, we are going to read two passages: Matthew 5:16 and Luke 13, verses 18 to 21. There the word of the Lord says in Matthew chapter 5, verse 13: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt vanishes, what will it be salted with? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. A city settled on a mountain cannot be hidden, nor can a light be turned on and placed under a bushel, but rather it is placed on the candlestick and gives light to all who are at home. So shine your light before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

Luke chapter 13 verses 18 to 21: “And he said, what is the kingdom of God like? And what shall I compare it to? It is similar to the mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden and grew and became a big tree and the birds of the sky nested in its branches. And he said again: “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour until it had all fermented."

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