Seminar (Part 2) : Reflection on pastoral excellence

Eldin Villafañe
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The excellent ministry should be described in terms of its characteristics, rather than defined. One possible description is the vision of Lion of Judah church, which aims to model the best values of the word of God and show excellence in evangelism, community involvement, stewardship, and member training. An excellent minister should perpetually grow, have a vital spirituality, be competent in basic areas of ministry, have integrity, be biblically based, have an intimate rapport with their flock, and have a service ethic. They should also be transparent, authentic, and not exploit their flock.

The panelists discussed the concept of pastoral excellence, with emphasis on being servants of God and serving the flock. They also touched on the importance of ministerial ethics and the need for ministers to be faithful, humble, and imitators of Jesus. The discussion also covered the social and political role of the church in terms of community involvement and social transformation. The panelists stressed the importance of subjecting all reality to the values proposed by the word of God and being prophetic in denouncing cultural oppression, denigration, and manipulation. The panelists also emphasized the importance of personal transformation and being open letters to the community.

The speaker discusses the dichotomy between material and spiritual aspects of ministry, emphasizing the need to see all aspects as spiritual and to have an integral ministry. They also discuss the need for pastors and leaders to prioritize practical aspects of ministry such as counseling, administration, and community involvement. They encourage pastors to focus on specific, concrete aspects of ministry and not to disregard them, as this leads to ministerial greatness. The importance of respecting the efforts of previous generations is emphasized, as well as the need for emerging generations to identify their own styles and perspectives while retaining the essence of the Gospel.

The panelists discussed the importance of mentorship, discipleship, and imparting knowledge to the younger generation. They also emphasized the need for collective excellence in the church and the importance of unity, prayer, and financial responsibility. The panelists also discussed the challenge of authority for the younger generation and the importance of submitting to older generations. While the discussion was not able to go into specific details, it was intended to provoke interest in pastoral excellence and spark further discussions in future forums.

The speakers emphasized the importance of being steeped in Scripture, having a balanced ministry, growing in knowledge and relationships, having integrity and an ethic of service, and being competent in their area of expertise. They also discussed the need for discernment in knowing when to emphasize different aspects of ministry. The study was deemed rich and important, and there may be a follow-up to address specific concerns. The Pastoral Institute at CUME was promoted for further education.

A reflection on: What is an excellent ministry, what is an excellent minister, what criteria or characteristics define excellence?


But, while I was listening to my brothers, a first attempt to define this at a generic level occurred to me, because I believe that the excellent ministry, rather than being defined, should be described in term of its characteristics, and in that I subscribe to the methodology of the Apostle Paul trying to define what love is. Rather, he ends up describing it: love is benign, it is long-suffering, it does not boast, it is not puffed up, etc. etc I believe that the ministry is rather described rather than defined.

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