Lord, let your light shine on our plans
Omar Soto(Audio: Español)
One of my favorite psalms is Psalm 90, verses 16 to 17, it says like this: "May your work appear in your servants and your glory on their children and be the light of the Lord our God upon us and the work of our hands confirm upon us. Yes, the work of our hands confirms..."
This psalm is very particular for me, my brothers, because on the one hand what it presents is the prayer of a person who is asking God that God bring his favor on those plans that he has forged from now on. Those plans that that person has drawn up for his life. In this prayer what you are asking is that God bring his blessing on each one of them. You see, we are always used to praying in a way that sounds more like this, Lord, bring me your plans, let what you want in my life be done.