you will receive power
Samuel Acevedo(: )
A supernatural life. Acts, chapter 1 beginning with verse 6, verse 7, verse 8. While you are searching, brethren, this word I want to encourage you to see if you are here, not all of you, but many of you, perhaps most of us, perhaps not all but most of us are here because we are facing something big, apparently insurmountable. I am talking about whether there are problems, but I tell you that there are problems and there are problems that are not problems, it is already a way of life. There are problems that are so big and so seemingly insurmountable that we've gotten used to them, it's almost part of the family. We have already dictated a life through them, it controls the scene in such a way that it already dictates our thinking, the decisions we make, how we raise our children, how we work, why we work, where we work. They already dictate how we live, they control us, they control us.
And you're here because you're asking the Lord, Lord, will there be a way to get past this and conquer this hill. And what the Lord tells him, and this what the Lord is sharing with him about this word, is that this is not the vision of the Lord for you, first of all, overcome it. God wants more, expects more from you and for you. The Lord not only wants you to overcome these seemingly insurmountable problems, He wants us to conquer it, to conquer it. And for that you have access to his supernatural power.