Reaching that for which Christ reached me

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses the idea of not letting past memories steal the energy needed to achieve what Christ has called us to. He references Philippians 3:12-14 and explains that forgetting the past doesn't mean erasing memories, but rather not letting them distract us from our goals. He shares his own experience of struggling with past traumas and insecurities, but eventually embracing God's call on his life. He encourages listeners to overcome habits that numb inner pain and to focus on running the race God has set before them.

The speaker discusses the importance of focusing on Jesus and getting rid of negative habits and thoughts that hold us back from reaching our potential. He emphasizes the need to think about things that are true, honest, just, pure, kind, and of good reputation. He also shares a personal testimony about how God helped him overcome negative habits and thoughts in his own life. The speaker encourages the audience to do the same and to rely on God's strength to overcome obstacles and challenges. The message concludes with a prayer for God's guidance and strength in our lives.

The prayer asks God for guidance to think positively and take negative thoughts captive to obey Him. The prayer blesses and keeps the listeners.

A month ago, I shared a message that obviously if you look for it on the internet you will not see it because that day the cameras were not there so it was not recorded. What date was it? Four Wednesdays ago, four weeks ago, Wednesday, August 31, was that. And it was a message that I was basing it on the book of Philippians chapter 3, Philippians chapter 3, verse 12 onwards, very well you have the note there, very well.

And today I would like to try to connect the dots, because I know that there were several things that were left in the air that day, at least those who were here and who are remembered, there were several things that I left in the air for reasons that I believe that God was still dealing with me at that moment, but today I want to try to connect the dots and I don't think I'm going to summarize everything, but I'm going to be spinning fine lines in some parts. And I have titled this part like this: "Achieving what Christ reached me for."

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