That you are in heaven

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: Although Jesus teaches us to see God as a loving father, we must also remember that God is totally different from us and exists in a healthy distance. We must have absolute trust and reverence for God, approaching his throne with confidence and fear. Our words and actions should reflect this sense of awe before the Creator. God is holy and deserves our worship and obedience. We exist to glorify Him alone.

Interestingly, the same Jesus who encourages us to see God as a merciful and loving father in the Lord's Prayer also reminds us that God is 'in heaven'. That is, although God is intimately involved in his creation and wants to be intimate with us, we must always remember that there is a sense of healthy distance and difference that we must retain from our understanding of God.

He is not like us! He is totally Other. Certainly his ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55: 8).

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